Blast furnace operating rate

Blast furnace operating rate

Blast furnace operating rates in Tangshan drops to the lowest in history

Blast furnace operating rates in Tangshan drops to the lowest in history

On February 18, blast furnace operating rates in Tangshan, an important iron and steel town, drops to the lowest point underground: 36.5%, about half of that in the same period last year. According to data statistics, Tangshan blast furnace operating rate was 36.5% on February 18, which is basically the lowest value since 2017, that is, it may be the lowest value in history. Ju... ...

wecenter issued the news • 1 concern • 0 reply • 1074 browses • 2022-02-26 09:09 • from related topics

Blast furnace operating rates in Tangshan drops to the lowest in history

Blast furnace operating rates in Tangshan drops to the lowest in history

On February 18, blast furnace operating rates in Tangshan, an important iron and steel town, drops to the lowest point underground: 36.5%, about half of that in the same period last year. According to data statistics, Tangshan blast furnace operating rate was 36.5% on February 18, which is basically the lowest value since 2017, that is, it may be the lowest value in history. Ju... ...

wecenter issued the news • 1 concern • 0 reply • 1074 browses • 2022-02-26 09:09 • from related topics

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