Production Capacity

Production Capacity

【Needle Coke】Production Capacity, Output, and Operating Rate Analysis in H1 2024

【Needle Coke】Production Capacity, Output, and Operating Rate Analysis in H1 2024

【Needle Coke】Production Capacity, Output, and Operating Rate Analysis in H1 2024 1. Analysis of Needle Coke Production CapacityIn the first half of 2024, China's annual production capacity for needle coke was 3.25 million tons, accounting for three-quarters of the global capacity, making it one of the world's leading producers. This includes 2 million tons of petroleum-... ...

wecenter issued the news • 1 concern • 0 reply • 126 browses • 2024-07-29 09:12 • from related topics

【Needle Coke】Production Capacity, Output, and Operating Rate Analysis in H1 2024

【Needle Coke】Production Capacity, Output, and Operating Rate Analysis in H1 2024

【Needle Coke】Production Capacity, Output, and Operating Rate Analysis in H1 2024 1. Analysis of Needle Coke Production CapacityIn the first half of 2024, China's annual production capacity for needle coke was 3.25 million tons, accounting for three-quarters of the global capacity, making it one of the world's leading producers. This includes 2 million tons of petroleum-... ...

wecenter issued the news • 1 concern • 0 reply • 126 browses • 2024-07-29 09:12 • from related topics

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