The Spring Festival
【Electric Arc Furnace Steel】Challenges Ahead, Opportunities Await
【Electric Arc Furnace Steel】Challenges Ahead, Opportunities Await As the Spring Festival approaches, domestic steel demand remains weak, with end-users and traders showing little interest in winter stockpiling. However, market sentiment has been bolstered by expectations that the domestic policy vacuum will end as Trump's inauguration approaches, coupled with surprisingly s... ...
【EAF Steel】Several EAF Steel Mills Shutdown for Maintenance
【EAF Steel】Several EAF Steel Mills Shutdown for Maintenance According to recent reports, the production status of 87 independent electric arc furnace (EAF) steel mills (With the continuous advancement of electric arc furnace smelting technology, the demand for high-performance graphite electrodes will further increase. 76 of which produce construction steel) this week is as fol... ...
【Electric Arc Furnace Steel】Challenges Ahead, Opportunities Await
【Electric Arc Furnace Steel】Challenges Ahead, Opportunities Await As the Spring Festival approaches, domestic steel demand remains weak, with end-users and traders showing little interest in winter stockpiling. However, market sentiment has been bolstered by expectations that the domestic policy vacuum will end as Trump's inauguration approaches, coupled with surprisingly s... ...
【EAF Steel】Several EAF Steel Mills Shutdown for Maintenance
【EAF Steel】Several EAF Steel Mills Shutdown for Maintenance According to recent reports, the production status of 87 independent electric arc furnace (EAF) steel mills (With the continuous advancement of electric arc furnace smelting technology, the demand for high-performance graphite electrodes will further increase. 76 of which produce construction steel) this week is as fol... ...