【EAF Steel】Several EAF Steel Mills Shutdown for Maintenance

【EAF Steel】Several EAF Steel Mills Shutdown for Maintenance
According to recent reports, the production status of 87 independent electric arc furnace (EAF) steel mills (With the continuous advancement of electric arc furnace smelting technology, the demand for high-performance graphite electrodes will further increase. 76 of which produce construction steel) this week is as follows:
The average operating rate of the 87 independent EAF steel mills in China is 66.02%, down 1.81 percentage points from the previous period and down 4.14 percentage pointscompared to the same period last year. The Northwest region saw a notable increase, the South China region saw a slight increase, while the North China and East China regions saw a significant decrease. Other regions remained stable.
The average capacity utilization rate of the 87 independent EAF steel mills is 50.63%, down 3.17 percentage points from the previous period and down 10.65 percentage points from the same period last year. The Northwest region saw a significant increase, Southwest and Central China regions saw slight increases, South China region saw a slight decrease, and North China and East China regions saw significant decreases. Other regions remained stable.
The daily crude steel output of the 87 independent EAF steel mills decreased by 5.88%compared to the previous period.
The weekly production of rebar from the 76 independent EAF steel mills producing construction steel decreased by 2.56%, and the production of wire rods decreased by 4.54%.
The profitability status of the 76 independent EAF steel mills producing construction steel is as follows: 35.53% of the mills are making a small profit, 59.21% are breaking even (partly due to shutdowns leading to breakeven profits), and 5.26% are experiencing losses.
This week, the operating rate and capacity utilization rate of independent electric arc furnace steel mills in China showed a significant decline. With the Spring Festival holiday approaching, some steel mills have already started maintenance shutdowns. A steel mill in Hebei, North China, started maintenance on the 1st, involving a 110T electric furnace, affecting a daily output of approximately 5,000 tons. A steel mill in Fujian, East China, started maintenance on the 3rd, involving two 100T electric furnaces, affecting a daily output of approximately 3,500 tons. A steel mill in Anhui, East China, started shutdown on the 5th, involving a 70T electric furnace. A steel mill in Shaanxi, Central China, resumed normal production on the 28th of the previous month, with a daily output of about 2,600 tons. A steel mill in South China started maintenance on the 6th, involving a 50T electric furnace, and is expected to resume production around the Lantern Festival.
(Source: MySteel Net)
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