Steel product

Steel product

【Statistics Bureau】China's Crude Steel Production Declines 5.9% in May

【Statistics Bureau】China's Crude Steel Production Declines 5.9% in May

【Statistics Bureau】China's Crude Steel Production Declines 5.9% in May According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in May 2023, the daily average production of crude steel was 2.9071 million metric tons, down 5.9% compared to the previous month. The daily average production of pig iron was 2.4839 million metric tons, down 4.3% compared to the previous month. T... ...

wecenter issued the news • 1 concern • 0 reply • 459 browses • 2023-06-24 09:39 • from related topics

【Statistics Bureau】China's Crude Steel Production Declines 5.9% in May

【Statistics Bureau】China's Crude Steel Production Declines 5.9% in May

【Statistics Bureau】China's Crude Steel Production Declines 5.9% in May According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in May 2023, the daily average production of crude steel was 2.9071 million metric tons, down 5.9% compared to the previous month. The daily average production of pig iron was 2.4839 million metric tons, down 4.3% compared to the previous month. T... ...

wecenter issued the news • 1 concern • 0 reply • 459 browses • 2023-06-24 09:39 • from related topics

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