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【Anode Materials】Order Volume Declines, Market Weakens

【Anode Materials】Order Volume Declines, Market Weakens

【Anode Materials】Order Volume Declines, Market Weakens 

1. Key Points

CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd.) released its 2024 semi-annual report. The revenue from energy storage battery systems reached 28.82 billion CNY, a year-on-year increase of 3%, accounting for 17.3% of total revenue, with a gross margin of 28.87%, higher than the domestic average gross margin of 25.18%.

In July, China's power battery installation volume was 41.6 GWh, down 2.9% month-on-month but up 29.0% year-on-year.

2. Market Trends

Major Anode Materials Price Trend in China.pngChinese Domestic Anode Materials Market Prices.png

Source: Longzhong Information

3. Production and Sales Dynamics

1) Supply Side: Anode material production capacity continues to be released, with market inventory awaiting digestion. Most enterprises have reduced production loads.

2) Demand Side: End-user consumption demand is stable, with a slight decrease in downstream orders, leading to a downturn in anode shipments.

4. Related Products

1) Petroleum Coke: Today's domestic petroleum coke prices remained stable. The local refinery market is actively shipping, with some minor price adjustments. For major producers, low-sulfur petroleum coke sales were moderate, and refineries focused on fulfilling contract orders, with some refineries experiencing inventory pressure. More info. of graphitized petcoke products... 

2) Needle Coke: The needle coke market saw average transactions, with downstream demand driven by just-in-time purchasing. Needle coke prices remained weak and stable, with green coke prices at 5,000 - 5,500 CNY/ton, and calcined coke prices at 6,500 - 7,800 CNY/ton.

5. Market Outlook

Anode material supply is contracting, leading to raw material procurement based on essential needs, with most companies maintaining just one month of raw material inventory. The supply-demand imbalance is expected to persist in the short term, leading to weak and stable anode material prices.

Feel free to contact us anytime for more information about the artificial graphite anode market. Our team is dedicated to providing you with in-depth insights and customized assistance based on your needs. Whether you have questions about product specifications, market trends, or pricing, we are here to help.


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