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【Calcined Petroleum Coke】Inventory Steady, Prices Remain Stable

【Calcined Petroleum Coke】Inventory Steady, Prices Remain Stable

【Calcined Petroleum Coke】Inventory Steady, Prices Remain Stable 

Market Overview

As of June 13, the average market price of calcined petroleum coke (cpc) is 2231 RMB/ton, holding steady compared to the previous working day. Currently, the low-sulfur calcined coke market remains stable with steady trading, with most enterprises maintaining stable pricing and focusing on volume sales. The raw material end remains stable, with the main prices of low-sulfur calcined coke holding firm. The market sees steady trading with mid-level inventories, though some specific grades of calcined coke are facing slight pressure in sales, keeping mainstream market prices stable.

Key Regional Market Transaction Prices

Market Prices:

  • Low-sulfur calcined coke (using Jinxi, Jinzhou petroleum coke as raw materials): Mainstream transaction prices are 3400-3600 RMB/ton.

  • Low-sulfur calcined coke (using Fushun petroleum coke as raw material): Ex-factory mainstream transaction prices are 4460-4800 RMB/ton.

  • Low-sulfur calcined coke (using Liaohe, Binzhou Zhonghai petroleum coke as raw materials): Mainstream transaction prices are 3150-3400 RMB/ton.

  • Medium-high sulfur calcined coke (3.0% sulfur, no requirements for trace elements): Previous ex-factory mainstream contract price was 2050 RMB/ton cash; current negotiation price is around 2050 RMB/ton cash.

  • Medium-high sulfur calcined coke (3.5% sulfur, no requirements for trace elements): Previous ex-factory mainstream contract price was 1850-1900 RMB/ton cash; current negotiation price is around 1850-1900 RMB/ton cash.

  • Medium-high sulfur calcined coke (3.0% sulfur, vanadium 400): Previous contract price was 2400 RMB/ton cash; current negotiation price is 2350-2400 RMB/ton cash.

Supply Side

The current daily supply of commercial calcined coke nationwide is 27,407 tons, with an operating rate of 64.81%, stable compared to the previous working day.

Upstream Market

  • Petroleum Coke: Prices from main refineries remain stable, with independent refineries steadily shipping petroleum coke. Downstream carbon enterprises still have demand, supporting the petroleum coke market. Some refineries adjust coke prices by 20-30 RMB/ton based on their shipping conditions.

Downstream Market

  • Graphite Electrode: Most graphite electrode enterprises continue stable production. Companies that had previously halted production are less enthusiastic about resuming operations, primarily watching upstream and downstream market trends and consuming existing inventory, keeping the graphite electrode market stable.

  • Electrolytic Aluminum: In China, aluminum prices continue to decline, with buyers showing strong bearish sentiment and a lukewarm attitude towards purchasing, resulting in four consecutive drops in spot aluminum prices.

  • Anode Materials: The anode materials market currently shows stable trading, with an increase in market order volume. However, due to limited actual incremental demand, the issue of overcapacity in the anode materials market remains unresolved in the short term.

Market Forecast

The supply and demand situation for calcined coke is currently stable, with limited profit margins for enterprises. However, the support for coke prices is insufficient, and it is expected that the mainstream prices of low-sulfur and medium-high sulfur calcined coke will maintain a weak and stable trend in the short term.

Feel free to contact us anytime for more information about the calcined petroleum coke market. Our team is dedicated to providing you with in-depth insights and customized assistance based on your needs. Whether you have questions about product specifications, market trends, or pricing, we are here to help.

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