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【Graphitized Carburant】Market Remains Stable, Weak Demand Limits Price Increases

【Graphitized Carburant】Market Remains Stable, Weak Demand Limits Price Increases

【Graphitized Carburant】Market Remains Stable, Weak Demand Limits Price Increases


Market Overview:

As of September 2, the mainstream market price for graphitized petroleum coke(GPC) carburant in China remained stable, with a reference price of 3,500 yuan/ton. The cost side prices remained weak and stable, while downstream demand was poor, leading to a weak market atmosphere. Most companies maintained stable pricing, with some reducing operating loads. The domestic market price for graphitized carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.05%, particle size: 1-5mm) was between 3,300-3,600 yuan/ton, and for semi-graphitized carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.3%, particle size: 1-5mm), it was 2,800-3,100 yuan/ton.

Main Regional Market Transaction Prices:

Main Regional Market Transaction Prices.png

Supply Side:

Graphitized petroleum coke carburant manufacturers are operating normally, with some outsourcing graphitization furnace processing due to limited demand. The decline in anode graphitization operations is slowly reducing the supply of graphitized petroleum coke carburant in the market.

Upstream Market:

Calcined Petroleum Coke: The medium-to-high sulfur calcined petroleum coke(CPC) market remains relatively stable, with a supply surplus of regular calcined coke. The weak price increase of medium-to-high sulfur petroleum coke in Shandong Province provides limited support for calcined coke prices.

Downstream Market:

Steel: Steel mills show low production enthusiasm, and market demand remains limited. The demand for carburants still lacks significant positive support.

Market Outlook:

With the decline in anode graphitization operations, the supply of graphitized petroleum coke carburant is gradually shrinking. However, downstream demand remains weak, and competition pressure persists. Companies are primarily maintaining a stable and cautious stance.

In the short term, market prices are expected to remain weak and stable. The market price for graphitized carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.05%, particle size: 1-5mm) is expected to remain at 3,300-3,600 yuan/ton, and for semi-graphitized carburant (C≥98%, S≤0.3%, particle size: 1-5mm) at 2,800-3,100 yuan/ton.


China Graphitized Petroleum Coke Carburant Market Price Trend.png

 (Source: Baiinfo)

Feel free to contact us anytime for more information about the graphitized petroleum coke carburant (GPC) market. Our team is dedicated to providing you with in-depth insights and customized assistance based on your needs. Whether you have questions about product specifications, market trends, or pricing, we are here to help. 


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