Needle coke market prices remain strong, downstream demand fever does not decrease

Needle coke market prices remain strong, downstream demand fever does not decrease
Current review: On May 5, domestic needle coke market operated strongly after May Day, and the price rose slightly, with an increase of about 500 yuan. In May, some enterprises increased new single price of oil-series needle coke. UHP graphite electrode takes needle coke as raw material, with good conductivity and thermal conductivity. According to needle coke enterprises feedback, downstream anode materials orders did not decrease. At the same time, graphite electrode post-festival price also increased to a certain extent, the boost of demand is still the main positive factor at present, which is good for burning coke market price.
May 5, 2022, needle coke market prices:
1. Mainstream prices of needle coke in China:
1) Oil-series needle coke raw coke was 10500-11000 yuan/ton; Burning coke was 12000-14500 yuan/ton;
2) Coal-series needle coke raw coke was 9500-10000 yuan/ton; Burning coke was 11000-13000 yuan/ton;
2. Mainstream market prices of imported needle coke:
1) Oil-series coke raw coke was $1200-1500/ton; Burning coke was $2200-2400/ton;
2) Coal-series needle coke raw coke was $800/ton; Burning coke was $1600-1700/ton.
Future forecast: At present, Jinxi Petrochemical petroleum coke price continues to rise. At the same time, the anode material market purchasing enthusiasm remains high. Raw material price acceptance is relatively high. Needle coke enterprises have high enthusiasm to push up the prices. It is expected that some enterprises will follow the price rise in the short term. Finding more needle coke news, please contact us.
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