High cost of calcined coke, flat market supply and stable operation!

High cost of calcined coke, flat market supply and stable operation!
Current review
May 1, 2022, the overall calcined coke market was stable. The upstream raw material refineries petroleum coke price remained stable at a high level, and parts of petroleum coke prices in local refineries increased slightly. Petroleum coke and calcined coke mutual supported. Graphite electrode is widely used in electric arc furnace steelmaking, casting and smelting industry, excellent electrical conductivity. Calcined coke cost pressure won’t decreased in the short term, and refineries' operating rate won't changed significantly. The shipment of low sulfur calcined coke was general, medium and high sulfur calcined coke market trading was stable. Near the end of the month, downstream enterprises are wary of participating, mostly purchase on demand. It is expected that calcined coke price will remain stable in the short term.
Price trend
May 1, 2022, calcined coke market price:
1. Low sulfur calcined coke (Fushun petroleum coke as raw material) mainstream average transaction price was 13000 yuan/ton;
2. Low sulfur calcined coke (Jinxi petroleum coke as raw material) mainstream average transaction price was 10600 yuan/ton;
3. Medium and high sulfur calcined coke mainstream average transaction price was 6150 yuan/ton. Reading more related news of coke market, please follow us.
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